Put in meaning in malayalam
Word: Put in
Avakaashavaadam Purappetuvikkuka (അവകാശവാദം പുറപ്പെടുവിക്കുക) Rekha Samarppikkuka (രേഖ സമര്പ്പിക്കുക) Sthaanaarththiyaayirikkuka (സ്ഥാനാര്ത്ഥിയായിരിക്കുക) Jeaalikku Apekshakanaayirikkuka (ജോലിക്ക് അപേക്ഷകനായിരിക്കുക) Itapetuka (ഇടപെടുക)
Meanings of Put in in malayalam :
Verb Udyeaagatthil Praveshippikkuka (ഉദ്യോഗത്തില് പ്രവേശിപ്പിക്കുക)Put in definition
Ex: Insert your ticket here
keep or lay aside for future use
Ex: store grain for the winter
break into a conversation
Ex: her husband always chimes in, even when he is not involved in the conversation
devote (time, effort, etc.) to a task
Ex: He put in three hours every day at the hospital
set up for use
Ex: install the washer and dryer
put on an application, apply for a job, in a competition, etc.
Ex: We put in a grant to the NSF
to insert between other elements
Ex: 4 She interjected clever remarks.
Related definition of Put inVerb:
Ex: Insert your ticket here
keep or lay aside for future use
Ex: store grain for the winter
break into a conversation
Ex: her husband always chimes in, even when he is not involved in the conversation
devote (time, effort, etc.) to a task
Ex: He put in three hours every day at the hospital
set up for use
Ex: install the washer and dryer
put on an application, apply for a job, in a competition, etc.
Ex: We put in a grant to the NSF
to insert between other elements
Ex: 4 She interjected clever remarks.
Ormmappetutthuka To Put In Mind .
Kurattuka Kuraṭṭna = Chavitti Thaarumaaraakka — Koranre Kuppa Kurattukayum TP . Did Mischief . Kurattikkalanju No . = Kuzhakkivecchu Put In Disorder . Mooripullu Ku . Trodden Under Feet & Spoiled .
Cheruthuka Čeruγuγa (& Choruka T . So . , Sari C . To Force In , Ram) . To Shove In , To Put In = Thiruvuka F . I . Irayute Mukalil Che'thiya Va Ti , Peeshaankatthi Arayil Cheruthi Jud . Kannu Cheruthi Poyi Is Sleepy .
Related wordsPut in - Udyeaagatthil Praveshippikkuka (ഉദ്യോഗത്തില് പ്രവേശിപ്പിക്കുക) Put in account - Kanakkilkkeaallikkuka (കണക്കില്ക്കൊള്ളിക്കുക) Put in hard - Aarambhikkuka (ആരംഭിക്കുക) Put in mind - Ormmippikkuka (ഓര്മ്മിപ്പിക്കുക) Put in motion - Pravartthanatthilaakkuka (പ്രവര്ത്തനത്തിലാക്കുക) Put in ones oar - Itapetuka (ഇടപെടുക) Put into sack - Jeaaliyilninnu Piricchayaykkuka (ജോലിയില്നിന്നു പിരിച്ചയയ്ക്കുക)Malayalam to English
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